About the Atlas

MAPPING MORMONISM brings together contributions from sixty experts in the fields of geography, history, Mormon history, and economics to produce the most monumental work of its kind.
More than an atlas, this book also includes hundreds of timelines and charts, along with carefully researched descriptions, that track the Mormon movement from its humble beginnings to its worldwide expansion.
A work of this magnitude rarely comes along. Five years in the making and significantly updated for the 2014 printing, Mapping Mormonism will prove to be a landmark reference work in Mormon studies.
This work covers the early Restoration, the settlement of the West, and the expanding Church, giving particular emphasis to recent developments in the modern Church throughout all regions of the world.
Mapping Mormonism is published by BYU Studies under the BYU Press imprint, with the generous support of the Mormon Historic Sites Foundation, the BYU Council on Religious Endeavors, the Charles Redd Center for Western Studies, and the BYU Department of Geography.
The atlas won the 2013 Book of the Year from the Mormon History Association, and the 2012 Best Atlas award from the Cartography and Geographic Information Society.
The Editors
BRANDON S. PLEWE is assistant professor of Geography at Brigham Young University. After a bachelor’s degree in Cartography and Mathematics from Brigham Young University, he earned his masters and PhD degrees from the State University of New York at Buffalo. A cartographer at heart, his career has focused on historical geographic information systems (GIS) and historical cartography, with an emphasis on representing the spatial history of Utah and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He and his wife Jamie have five children.
S. KENT BROWN is professor emeritus of Ancient Scripture at Brigham Young University and is the former director and associate director of the BYU Jerusalem Center for Near Eastern Studies. He taught at BYU from 1971 to 2008. He is married to the former Gayle Oblad; they are the parents of five children and the grandparents of twenty-five grandchildren.
DONALD Q. CANNON is professor emeritus of Church History and Doctrine at Brigham Young University. He received bachelor’s and masters degrees from the University of Utah and a doctorate from Clark University. He has written or edited several books, including Unto Every Nation and The Nauvoo Legion in Illinois. He and Joann McGinnis Cannon are the parents of six children.
RICHARD H. JACKSON received his PhD from Clark University in 1970 in Historical Geography and recently retired after four decades as a professor and administrator in the Geography Department at Brigham Young University. He has written extensively about Mormon settlement and community planning in the American West, and the way that people and place have interacted to create the distinctive geography that characterizes the Mormon West that stretches from Canada to Northern Mexico.
Assisting Dr. Plewe was a group of student research assistants, who did much of the research, data entry, and design of draft maps between 2007 and 2011. Without them, this atlas would not have been possible. Thank you to James Durland, Holly Golightly, Wes Hodges, Kimberly Lott, Joshua Mabray, Kenneth Matthes, Levi Mecham, Bret Miller, Kelson Mosier, Will Schmidt, Kent Simons, Sam Stratford, and Jay Andrew Thorup.